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Houston Shakespeare Festival (2015)

Merchant of Venice | William Shakespeare

Position: Stage Manager's Apprentice

Director: Tiger Reel

SM: Rachel Dooley/ PSM: Rachel Bush

Working as the stage manager's apprentice for the Houston Shakespeare Festival gave me a new perspective of what stage management is like in the professional world.


What I've learned from this experience:​

  1. Keeping paperwork updated is essential when you are working with a team of ASMs. If it is not updated, setting up will be less efficient and may not be correct.

  2. Using a loud and confident voice when giving lines. Being timid helps no one and it can slow down the rehearsal process.

  3. How to write down line notes while being on book. Someone always needs to be on book during rehearsals, even if you ask an ASM to take over for you while you mark line notes in the script.

Things to improve on for the next stage management experience:

  1. Form a more efficient system for writing line notes while staying attentive to the rehearsal. 

  2. Keep on top of resetting the scene if the director takes it back, or setting up for the next scene (props and set changes) when the rehearsal progresses.

  3. Stay informed about changes that may be discussed between the stage manager and director in the post-rehearsal meetings. 

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